Thursday, September 10, 2009

first day of school

so i have been m.i.a for a while... i apologize. we were quite busy this summer! i will try in the next few days to post some summer pictures.the boys started school yesterday. clayton is now in 2nd grade, and carter started preschool yesterday. some cereal and poptarts started out the day.
ready to rock the first day... carter's backpack was so big it almost knocked him off his feet!
chippy rang the door bell and waited to be let in... see how big that back pack is? (or backcack as he calls it)

and here he is in the middle of saying "cheese" (that's why he looks angry in the picture) with his teacher mrs. mary.

well the outcome of the day was this:

clay- told me that his teacher is the best in the school. no real reason why, apparently she just is.

chip- loved school, ate macaroni and cheese, had pretzels and juice, and made an apple with two leafes (i love when he says it- sounds like leaf-is) and took a good nap with his fongefob fairpants blanket. he's so damn cute!

hopefully today was as much of a success as yesterday! :)


Anonymous said...

Does Chippy have a girlfriend yet?

NaveenAli said...

So Cute...
i love Kids...
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