so, i have so many pictures from vacation that i think i will break them down into separate posts... sound good? good.
let me just say that this vacation was AWESOME!!! the boys were great in the car... we drove straight through both times (23 hours total) and they never complained. we left at 7pm both times, they chilled for about 2 hours, then passed out for the night. when they woke up in the morning, we put on the dvds and they chilled some more. when we stopped, they didn't complain about getting back in the car (although i occasionally did). they rocked.

now that we are back, we are working on potty training... he loves peeing. oh yeah, and at my aunt's house (who we stayed with) one day gerry was packing up the car to go to the beach, and carter came to him naked and handed him a diaper... he had taken it off, pooped in the neighbor's yard, and brought the still clean diaper back to gerry and told him that he had pooped... gerry wasn't happy to have to clean up after our dog- i mean carter. i think of it as, at least he doesn't want it in his diaper anymore! one step closer to potty training right?

this was one of our pit stops...

chip likes driving things...
this is how i felt coming home from vacation. didn't want to come back.