kinda blurry... but clay is jumping his honda 50
and gerry and carter are jumping the sukuki 60.
kinda blurry... but clay is jumping his honda 50
and gerry and carter are jumping the sukuki 60.
get it? easy enough right? if you want to enter and don't have your own blog to pay it forward on, that's fine... we can figure it out!
so, if you want to enter, here is what you need to do...
that's it. my contest will close on monday july 28th at 9:00pm. entertain me folks! i have so many pet peeves it's scary! HOW ABOUT YOU???
on a different but similar note... on tuesday we took the boys to wendt beach in angola for a few hours. clay barely took a breath! he was a swimming machine! jumping waves, flipping underwater, doing handstands, one-handed handstands, no-handed handstands??? (he's weird ok?)
carter had never been to a beach and seen waves before. for a long time he stood at the edge watching VERY carefully and trying to figure it all out. he was a HUGE fan of the seagulls! ( if you ask clay what mom thinks of seagulls, he will promptly tell you that "mom says seagulls are rats with wings"... am i wrong?) well toward the end carter decided that he was ok with playing in the water up to his fat little feet... any waves that came up higher, he was NOT fond of!
in conclusion, it was a great 4th of july weekend, and a great day at the beach... our next mission? taking the boys on the boat this weekend... i'm crossing my fingers for good weather and good behavior! ;)
** i have a hard time really calling it camping... my in laws have a gorgeous camper with running water, a septic system toilet, electricity, and direct tv. now don't get me wrong, the rest of us rough it more, but the in law's camper is always a few steps away if need be!
*** i don't want people thinking... eew! a pond! it's so not a typical pond... it's super clean, clear, warm, and fresh. by fresh i mean that it is constantly being fed pure spring water from the many underground springs that we have on our property. listen, if you know me at all you will know i'm not a "let's go swim in that pond" kind of girl. i'm a "let's swim in that squeaky clean pool that i know is practically sterile". just an fyi.
carter LOVES the wagon... every pile of dirt we had to take back in the woods and dump, he HAD to ride the wagon back.
how disgusting is this??? I NEED A PEDICURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and in closing, this weekend is 4th of july. this is the weekend when a whole big clan of us go to our property in franklinville and PARTY for the weekend. we swim in the pond, fish, hike, ride atvs, drink, chill by the bonfires, drink, eat a lot, watch AMAZING fireworks, and drink a little more.
so, i mentioned swimming... this means we need a bathing suit right? well, this poses a problem. i'm so fat right now that all of my bathing suits are a JOKE to even think about. so i made a quick stop today and tried on a bunch of suits. now let me just say that i had carter with me. i tried on about 10 bathing suits (while trying to keep carter from running free, which would make me have to chase him out in the store in the bathing suits- EEKS!) i finally settled on this one.
ok, i know what you're thinking... a bathing suit with a skirt? why not just wear a one piece with a skirt? i'm not that old yet. it's still a 2 piece... the top isn't too bad... the skirt, well, what can i say? i'm getting old and chubby folks. i'm working in it ok?
happy 4th to everyone... have fun, be careful, and don't blow any phalanges off with fireworks! :)
*****ADDENDUM- yeah, that's a coors lite can in my stroller... it's a LONG walk to the farm and back! ;)