Wednesday, November 26, 2008
it's been a while...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
my goodness have i been productive!

once i got home, and got chippy in bed, i started sewing.

Friday, November 14, 2008
bows, bows, and more bows!
and here are a bunch of different ones... i have a bunch more to make. i HAD to finally go to bed though... hopefully chippy will sleep tonight.
tomorrow i will (hopefully) be attempting the traveling art show pattern that i bought from josie at mr monkeysuit. i'm REALLY excited to give it a try... good night ya'll
oh yeah, and i just want to give a shout out to my schmidty... ps, you're an ass! :)
for real...

so i'm still going on virtually NO sleep... but i'm NOT complaining anymore. i am NOT going to complain about the fact that the steroids that carter is on to help him breathe at night is also keeping him up all night... i'm NOT complaining.
instead, i'm sharing this picture... "Anti Monkey Butt Powder". seriously, this is real stuff! i saw it yesterday in rite aid as carter and i wandered around waiting for his anti sleep medication... i mean breathing medication. it made me giggle... and continues to do so. so tonight when i'm still up at 2:30 with a kid who is WIDE AWAKE from his medicine, i will think of the anti monkey butt powder and (hopefully) giggle. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
things happen in 3s :(
first let me say that the ellicottville beer and wine fest was great! it was more spread out this year and i enjoyed a plethora of delicious beers! the only negative was the cup. yeah, i said cup. the past 3 years that we have gone, you got a sweet glass to use for tastings, and then bring home and remind you of your fun all year long. this year, you got a cheap little plastic cup... it was so lame!
then there was veteran's day... like a moron, i scheduled carter's 2 year check up, an eye dr appointment for me, and clay's dentist appointment. i ended up running around all day like a chicken with her head lopped off. then my sister called because my brother in law had an accident and hit his head in the garage... i then acquired her kids for a bit (which TOTALLY fires clay up!) he's fine, but it was a little hairy for a while there.
school was crazy yesterday... a LOT of substitute teachers= crazy kids! then last night carter had a little cough... which once he went to bed developed into a NASTY croup. yeah, so we ended up in the emergency room until 2am while he got a shot of steroids and a breathing treatment.
then, clay missed his bus this morning... WILL IT EVER END??? which brings me to this weekend... opening weekend for shotgun. UGH! all i know is that gerry better get a BIG deer this weekend and make it worth while!
ok, i'm sorry... i'm done complaining. but things happen in 3s... i'm just wondering if clay missing the bus was the 3rd thing, or if i should be looking out for something else! :(
Saturday, November 8, 2008
quite possibly the worst pictures ever... but i'm too excited! and this post is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!

here is chippy after his haircut... he looks so old with short hair!!!
oh yeah, and tomorrow is the ellicottville beer and wine festival... yeah, needless to say, i'm SUPER excited! :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
crappy pictures... and who has NOT seen pulp fiction???

just as a footnote: if you notice how flippin fat my face looks in that top picture, just know that it is NOT just the camera!!! i am right now at my lifetime highest weight... EEKS!!! and tomorrow starts the big fight. diet and exercise start tomorrow... for real! i plan on losing 10 pounds before my birthday (novemeber 26th). i'm serious... it's getting disgusting! so, from here on out if my posts seem a little crabby, that's why... i'm crabby when i'm hungry! :)