so i took these pictures with my cell phone... that's why the quality is so blah. i couldn't find my camera last night and it was late... beggars can't be choosers right?
this is a custom purse for gerry's aunt wendy. we were out (fairly intoxicated) for gerry's cousins's 21st birthday a while back... wendy loved my purse and told me she wanted one. well, many weeks later i ran into her at joann fabrics (imagine that...) and she reminded me of the purse she wanted. we looked for fabric (no joke) for at least an hour... i though that I was indecisive! well, there were a million things going on at the time and she told me to do it "whenever i got to it". well, that was this week. she is going on vacation thursday morning so i had to finish it last night.
i like how it turned out... there are 2 big pockets on the inside which are separated into 3 connected pockets (does that make sense?) i hope she will like it! i decided to throw in a wallet with the leftover fabric since i took forever in getting it done for her.
well, hopefully this is the start of some more productive evenings... although tonight i am taking both boys to my school to a talent show/school performance in my ghetto. i explained it to clay as kids singing and dancing. this morning i told him to have a really good day at school so we could go see the kids sing and dance tonight... his response? "mom, will there be boys there?" "yeah clay, there will be boys and girls." "uh, mom? do boys dance?" i chuckled and assured him that boys and girls BOTH dance... he though about it for a minute and said "oh yeah, carter and i dance all the time!" boy will he be in shock when he sees my kids dancing... not quite the bouncing (aka dancing) that he and his brother do! :)
The material looks very thin. Is it? Will it last a while?
it's made from outdoor canvas type material... i will last for a really long time... i had my last purse out of that material and i would still be using it today if i hadn't gotten my fabulous amy butler fabric!
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