i was looking at purses and bags today... i didn't really like ANY of them! i guess i'm a custom bag snob now! so i decided to try out a new bag.

i now love this bag.
i now love this bag.
and here you go tina... my mess! i will point out a few key items... see that iron? i NEVER iron my clothes (or gerry's for that matter... that is his job!) but i need it to make my checkbook covers. uh, what else... there is the obvious stack of fabric to the right of the iron. that would be a stack of new bags that i cut out tonight. the pink gift bag holds the scrap pieces of fabric that i just can not throw out. to the left of the pink bag is my ribbon container (you can't really see it). oh yeah, and on the right of that pink bag is ANOTHER stack of cut out bags that need to be put together. then there is my good ole sewing machine... it was a cheap-o, but it rocks! i can sew through so many layers of fabric that it's crazy!
so folks, those are my pictures... now i must tag 2 people. i'm going to tag josie from whom i bought this traveling art studio pattern, and the new girl. the new girl is a blog that (i'm not sure how) i happened upon a while back. it cracks me up! i feel as though i unknowingly write it in my sleep or something... we think A LOT alike! :)
well girls, it's your turn now! let's see some mess please!!!
now don't panic people... i will not pick up a new hobby of butchering. i promise! actually i have a plan to get a TON of sewing done this weekend before the buffalo for africa show at my alma mater... oh yeah, it's next sunday the 14th at frontier high school from 12-4. just in case you're feeling the need to shop!
saturday was the long awaited surprise party for my girls... my sister hollie is turning 40, and my sister in law christiane just turned 30! old ladies... ha! it was a LOT of fun... although i am glad it's over. jen and i have been trying to plan this party since august... and it has been REALLY difficult to not mention it to either of them. i can't even tell you how many times i almost slipped!
well, the buffalo for africa show is next weekend and i have a LOT to get done between now and then... i guess i have a busy weekend ahead of me!
oh yeah, and gerry got another doe... yep, another dead deer decorating the tree in my side yard. eew!!!