so clay is going to be 7 tomorrow.
i'm thoroughly disturbed! we celebrated his birthday
sunday at my in law's house on the hill... even though clay had decided that he did NOT want a birthday party. "mom, i do NOT want a birthday party." "so should i call everyone and tell them not to bring the kids out?" "uh, no... well, then i don't want a cake." "so you don't want the dirt bike cake that you begged me for? then i guess i will take the new dirt bike toy back that was going to go on the cake." "uh, no. i guess we can have a cake."

this is not like my typical million-frosting-star birthday cake. just a
regular funfetti cake, green frosting and crushed up peanut butter
oreos for the dirt. then i took a (washed) dirt bike toy and squished it on there... the "mountain" came with the dirt bike toy.

not one of my best... but he loved it!

we spent the day frolicking in the snow... skiing, snowboarding, sledding, tubing and snowmobiling.

the really long hilly driveway served as a fabulous slope!

clay all geared up in his new
xmas helmet...
and we christened the new jacuzzi tub (not that way you sickos!). the kids LOVED it! they didn't want to get out!
stay tuned for pictures (and possible video) of me snowboarding. yeah, that's right... i snowboarded. i apologize if you just split your pants laughing... :)
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