so the night before i left (after the fish tank incident) for chicago, my boys were VERY clingy. clay, who normally could care less if i'm home or not, told me "no, you can't go to chicago. you need to stay home". i asked why his father can snowmobile and hunt for full weekends and that's no problem, but he had no answer for me.

here we are... kimmy, kasey, mo, laura, and me. we had SO MUCH FUN!!!!! we did a lot of eating, drinking, talking and walking! i think i walked 47 miles this weekend! chicago was experiencing near record high temperatures, and we were loving every minute of it!

i'm not really a sports fan (duh) but it was pretty cool seeing wrigley field. the houses surrounding the field had bleachers on their rooftops which was pretty sweet...

the stores there were unreal...

the magnificent mile might be the coolest place ever!

this was at the corner of the street out hotel was on... what a tease! i just can't fathom how people can actually buy stuff there!

we didn't eat or drink here... but if you have ever seen the movie super troopers, you will understand why i HAD to take this picture...

we did eat (and obviously drink) at a place called
finn mccools... super sweet! they had these table top beer things... 8 pints for $15! can't beat that with a stick! here is mo demonstrating the glory of table top beers!

laura was equally impressed...

laura and i were glamming it up in the guess? store... ps, people spend a lot of money on these huge, silly glasses!

a view of (part of) the city from michigan avenue

night time view of (part of ) the city from the john hancock building's 95th floor.

and while mom is away, the boys will play... or ice fish on the pond. not to be confused with the 100+ idiots on lake erie who separated from shore and drifted out and needed to be rescued...
my favorite purchase... i love hoodies. this one REALLY rocks though... can you see the extra pocket on the front pocket? it's for beer. and it's insulated. how flippin cool is that?
i will post more of the funny pictures in a day or 3... i still have to get laura's pictures. for now, this is a (mild and politically correct) overview of our weekend... it was a blast! can't wait for next year! :)
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