this was laura and my first lunch in chicago. boston blackie's... delicious! we got some of the best, and FASTEST burgers ever! along with our fabulous burgers, we ordered a pitcher... but it was TINY! when the waiter brought it over, we instantly started laughing... before we could even say anything, he laughed and made a joke about how little the pitchers are. i don't know... we thought it was funny.
kimmy and i at the deep dish pizza place... god i love that girl!
laura and kimmy in the bathroom at borders... those are little plastic wine bottles in their hands... they had them stashed in their purses.
mo chugged that wine like a champ! next to the toilet...
mmm... mojito! too bad they made me sick later that night.
kasey did NOT enjoy her non-alcoholic drink... that's what happens when you're pregnant for girl's weekend!
kimmy LOVED her sangria though!
ah, the ginormous guess? sunglasses...
ok, so laura and i got a really big kick out of the "caution falling ice" signs that were EVERYWHERE!!! so we decided to amuse ourselves... i told you i amuse myself!
kimmy kinda looks like betty boop or something!
mo is terrified of the falling ice!
kasey's face is classic! she really was not loving the idea of being so foolish... i think it was the non-alcoholic drinks!
sweet view of the city from the hancock building
kasey, mo, kimmy and i on the 95th floor of the hancock building getting our view

look! mo is "magically" keeping the bottle in the air! (yeah, it's ANOTHER plastic wine bottle!)
notice 2 things... the tag still on her shirt, and her magical capabilities!

sporadic pictures? yes. best weekend? yes. do i want to go back again this weekend? yes.
i have always been friends with guys more than girls... until i met these crazy girls. i love them. i love their guts!
Ok. Seriously, you guys look like you had tons of fun, now- where exactly do you think I'd fit into that picture?!!?!
If you ever need someone else to chug wine with you in a bookstore bathroom, give me call.
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