but then the REAL issue came out. clay said some bad words in class today. he said the "f" word and the "sh" word. now this is not what i was amused by, by ANY means... frankly i'm FURIOUS about this. i do take a good amount of the blame, seeing as how i have a bit of a potty mouth... but he's not stupid. he knows better.
anyhoo, other than being grounded for a week (which is an ETERNITY for a little boy who is 6 1/2!) he was instructed to write letters of apology.
the brown note is to the gym... sorry, phys ed teacher- "i am sorry for making motor noises. i will never do it again." the red and green is for his teacher- "i am sorry that i said swears. i will never do it again." underneath is a stack of letters to all the kids sitting at his table when he decided to blurt out his obscenities...
it wasn't until he went to bed that i saw this... i think it's OUR letter of apology perhaps. not only did he make it, but he hung it on the fridge for all to see- "i am a bad boy."
now don't get me wrong... i am VERY upset that he is getting in trouble in school, and that he has such a trash mouth. what i found amusing was his "bad boy" picture that he made and inconspicuously hung on the fridge.
now, for part 2- i made 2 bags tonight!

i have a bunch of stuff cut out and ready to put together... these 2 bags were sewn together in a little over an hour all together. now i just need to keep it up and make a few every night! i think that's it for now... :D
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