oh yeah, and i'm SUPER excited to go see my man jay-z and mary j blige at the hsbc arena tomorrow... you never know, maybe tomorrow i will be posting a pic of jay and i!!! :)
can you believe how hideous this fabric is? for some reason, in the store, i thought it was kind of cool. yeah, it's not. it's down right ugly. oh well, i didn't want to use good fabric in case i jacked it all up or anything. and the bow... again, didn't want to waste cute stuff... if you can look beyond the ugliness of the fabric and non-matching ribbon, it's a super cute wallet! i still can't believe how easy it was to make. i will be cranking these little suckers out now!
burnt finger tips? you may ask... well, tonight i continued to make ribbon barrettes. instead of the sticky dots i used yesterday (which i had to go over because they peeled), i decided to use my little hot glue gun. for those of you who have used one before you will completely understand... for those of you who may have never used a hot glue gun, you don't know what you're missing (in both a good and bad way)! it bonds just about ANYTHING together... but it also burns the fingerprints right off of your skin and leaves little glue strings EVERYWHERE! anyhoo, my finger tips are burnt to crap and i (as well as my room) are COVERED in glue strings. well worth it though, i think the barrettes turned out adorable!
one last thing... today is day 2 of weight watchers, i'm not gonna lie, i have had some SERIOUS hunger angst today. knowing that i have to watch what i'm eating is KILLING me! i'm an eater, what can i say? it's what i like to do. :) we will see how it goes. i'm hoping the hunger angst goes away REAL soon... even i can't stand my own crabbiness! :)
i just thought that these coordinating ribbons were to die for... i might enjoy buying ribbon as much as i enjoy buying fabric! i know those are some strong words... i have SO much ribbon that i have bought with no purpose other than to look cute. i figured some day i would put them to good use! thank goodness that day has finally come.
then i realized that i was out of glue... how earth shattering! i was really getting into the groove of these things. but fear not my friends, i have 2 more coupons and will be stopping tomorrow on my way home from work to grab some more glue... and i'm thinking a few more headbands and barrettes!
so that's about it for now. today started my OFFICIAL first day of weight watchers... my mind told me all day that i was starving and would never make it through. actually though, it was a lot easier than i thought it would be... but ask me again in a few days! :)