so who can sit in the house and sew on such a beautiful weekend??? not this girl! I had every intention of finishing those damn curtains, but the sun was calling me outside! cooking out, having a few beers, and a bon fire was just far too tempting! but now, there is no choice but to git er done. my in law's house is going on the market thursday and the curtains are a necessity. have i mentioned how much i hate these curtains?
so last night i oiled my sewing machine for the first time. you must understand that ever since i got my machine for xmas, every time i use it, gerry asks me if i have oiled it yet. "the key to making a motor run properly, is to keep it well lubricated" is what i have heard for months now. so my stubbornness overwhelmed me and i never oiled it. well, last night i decided that it was time to oil my machine... i had NO idea what i was doing. i was dripping oil on whatever moved inside that thing. afterwards i began sewing (those curtains) again... when gerry walked in to see what i was doing, i told him that i had just finished oiling my machine. his response??? "i knew it sounded like it was running smoother". give me a break!
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