so i finally got back into making some bags tonight... (and by the way, i have just realized that i start just about every blog with the word "so")
i started with this pink and black polka dot bag... simple and easy. no problems... flew right through it! it had been cut out already and just needed to be thrown together.
and then i started on the black and white bag... i have realized that if i spend one evening cutting bags out and having them all set, i get a LOT more accomplished. therefore, last night i spent an hour or 2 cutting out a TON of new bags. i already have a stack of cut out bags that need to be put together, and now add to it the pile i cut out last night.
well, i decided that i wanted to try a new design for a bag. i didn't even try out a muslin prototype or anything like i usually do... i just folded the fabric and cut how i saw the bag in my head. i must say that i enjoy the design... now, i'm not exactly in love with the way i did the handles, but oh well!

now, the wrinkle in my sewing plan... i was having some serious thread tension issues. i must have threaded and rethreaded my machine 47 times! i was getting so frustrated and impatient with my machine that it made me stop and wonder how it is that i deal with kids all day long at work (and then at home too)! i was clenching my jaw so tight and swearing like an osbourne (as in ozzy's family... ever see their show??? they swear a TON! well, the joke made ME laugh... anyone else?) anyhoo, this bag should have taken me less than an hour, but it ended up taking me well over 2 hours. i will let you guess who was not very happy... here is a clue, ME!!! so the bag does not yet have a snap in it... that will have to be done tomorrow when my patience returns.
4 days until the market!!!
by the way, my college roommate mo had a baby boy today... vincent john siftar! YEAH! :)
gotta bounce...
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